IN LASTING MEMORY: Nelson Dionne (1947-2022)

This work has taken on a whole new meaning since the passing of Nelson Dionne on January 23, 2022. You may read more about him, including his obit., in the "Nelson" section. You may also make a donation in his name to Salem State University, where his award-winning collection is housed. (In the subject line, write "Nelson Dionne Collection, SSU Archives).

So Many Untold Stories!

1914 Salem Fire

Salem Common, ca. 1890

the nelson dionne salem history collection

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Salem, Massachusetts, is known world-wide for its ties to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and its unparalleled reputation in the maritime trade. Salem is also home to magnificent architecture, and a fine literary and arts heritage.

This book series, "Salem's Forgotten Stories," tells even more tales from Salem's illustrious past to educate, inspire, and entertain with a special focus on Salem's industrial century (post-Civil War through WWII and beyond).